The Regulatory Compliance Board (RCB) of Cagayan de Oro City is set to summon the management of a massage spa that was found operating without a business permit.

One of its staff members also allegedly harassed a reporter of a local radio station.

During monitoring, the RCB found that the massage spa was operating without a business permit, and it was issued with an ordinance violation receipt.

“Ang angay man buhaton ana kay murag buy-bust type operation, kay tan-awon gyud kung unsay tinuod,” RCB-Cagayan de Oro Chief, Edgardo Uy, said.

RCB is also set to summon the management to shed light on the complaint of the radio reporter.

“Atong tawagon para ma-istorya uban to kauban ninyo sa media nga murag na-harass… naistorya na sab nako willing siya nga mutunga sab siya pagpatawag,” Uy added.

RCB added that the management has also sued several customers for allegedly asking for ‘extra service’ from therapists.

It can be recalled that two barangay employees from Iligan City were arrested for allegedly asking for ‘extra service’ from two female therapists at the spa in early September 2024.

GMA Regional TV One Mindanao is trying to reach out to the management of the spa and the media personality for comment, as of this writing.