A man was bashed with a barbell and stabbed several times by his own co-worker in a poultry farm in Balamban town, midwest Cebu. 

The incident happened in Barangay Biasong in upland Balamban.

A CCTV footage in the premises of the poultry farm recorded of the victim’s whining and pleading that the physical attacks on him be stopped.

A man in red shirt went out of a room and got a barbell and went back inside the room. The suspect was identified as Wenbei Delima, a native of Leyte Province.

A guttural cry was heard presumably because of the pain the victim received from the bashing. Delima was seen again going out of the room and getting another object.

Police confirmed that Delima got a knife which he used to stab the victim several times.

The victim was identified as Marjon Andaya, a native of the Province of Negros Oriental.

The suspect, in another frame of the CCTV footage, was seen walking casually out of the poultry farm.

According to Police Lt. Col. Julius Garcia, they look at personal grudge as the motive to commit the crime.

Based on investigation, the two workers had past verbal tussles.

On September 21, 2024, the two agreed to attend a community discotheque in Barangay Biasong.

The two had a drink too many that ended up in another verbal tussle and eventually in a fistfight.

The victim was rushed to the hospital but was pronounced there dead in the afternoon of September 22, 2024 due to fatal wounds he sustained.

Balamban Police have coordinated with the authorities in Leyte to have the suspect arrested.