A child in the district of Jaro, Iloilo City succumbed to acute gastroenteritis (AGE) or infectious diarrhea.

The child named “Kiro” from Barangay Tacas was about to turn two years old. He passed away on August 30, 2024.

Ruth Hortillo, the grandmother, said that two days before Baby Kiro’s death, he suffered from fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. He went through laboratory examination and was given medicines, but his condition worsened.

Hortillo said it surprised them when contaminated water was pointed out as the cause of Kiro’s death. She said the child drinks distilled water.

Hortillo said they ensure that Kiro does not play in dirty places. However, she admitted that the water they use to bathe the child comes from a deep well.

Kiro is the 10th AGE death case in Iloilo City in 2024.

According to data from the City Health Office, AGE cases in the city have already reached 408 in 2024.

The General Services Office has ordered 10 wells closed for contaminated water.

Residents are also reminded to take part in regular cleanups and to check the source of their drinking water.