The Davao City Council has passed a resolution urging the police to uphold and follow the rule of law in the ongoing operations at the compound of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC).  

Councilor Luna Acosta, chairperson of the Committee on Peace and Public Safety, has asked the police to ensure that no constitutional rights are violated.  

“I would like to pass a resolution entitled: A resolution urging the Philippine National Police to uphold the rule of law and respect the constitution with regard to their ongoing operations,” Acosta said.  

Police continue to search for Quiboloy and his co-accused as the serving of arrest warrant enters its 12th day on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.  

“When the enforcement of the warrant is accompanied by the use of excessive force, the seizure of private property, and the disregard for the rights of others, we must ask ourselves, is this still what the law provides?” Acosta added.  

Acosta said she acknowledges the power of the court to issue arrest warrants and the authority of the police to implement such.  

She said students at the Jose Maria College (JMC) inside the KOJC compound are already affected by the police operations.  

Acosta added that Police Regional Office-Davao (PRO-11) Director, Brigadier General Nicolas Torre III, did not allegedly keep his word when he previously faced the City Council that he will maintain coordination with the city government.  

“We were all caught off guard and left to deal with the consequences of their actions. Instead of working together for the peace of our city, their actions have caused great harm to our peace and have shaken our trust in the very people we rely on for our safety and security,” Acosta said.  

For his part, Torre welcomed the legislative measure.

“We welcome this resolution of the City Council because lahat tayo gusto natin peace, uphold the rule of law. And I do hope that our esteemed council members and their political leadership of not only Davao City but the whole country as well to call for the concerned people and instrumentalities to uphold the rule of law,” Torre said.