Counterfeit products and accessories of a brand of cellular phone were seized by agents of  the National Bureau of Investigation-National Capital Region (NBI-NCR) in Cebu City.

The simultaneous raid on four stores, led by NBI-NCR Special Investigator Rafael Gonzaga, was conducted at around 11 a.m. on August 21, 2024 in Colon Street.

The raid was based on search warrants issued by the Regional Trial Court National Capital Judicial Region, Branch 46 in Manila for violation of Section 155.1 in relation to Section 170 of Republic Act 8293 on trademark infringement.

Fake products and accessories were found displayed and stocked in the said stores after surveillance and test-buy operations. 

The seized items were worth approximately P1 million.

A brand representative of the affected cellphone company said that 11 stores in Cebu City were placed under surveillance. Of the 11, the four stores of gadgets and accessories were found to be conspicuous in the selling of bogus products and accessories using a legit brand.

The brand representative pointed out that the stores’ overt sale of counterfeit products has tarnished the integrity of their cellphone brand as the fake products are of substandard quality.

However, alias “Mary,” the manager of one of the four stores said she has no idea that the products they are selling are fake. She cited that she relies mostly on her suppliers.

A cellphone charger, for example, was sold at the said stores for P120 only, but the legit charger would cost between P1,200 and P1,500.

Aside from adapters, seized items include fake earphone and cellphone batteries. However, no fake cellphones were found.

The seized items will be brought to Manila for documentation as pieces of evidence for the filing of appropriate charges against the suspects prior to the destruction of the items.