Two minor siblings died while three other members of their family landed in the hospital after eating puffer fish or “butete” in Barangay Balas, Lamitan City, Basilan.

Police said the family ate fried puffer fish for dinner on Monday, July 29, 2024. They experienced dizziness and vomiting the following day.

The minors, four-year-old and seven-year-old brothers, died at home while their mother and two other siblings, nine years old and two years old, were rushed to the hospital and are now recuperating.

The barangay chairman said the family is used to eating puffer fish, but the fish may not have been prepared well this time. Particularly, it may not have been dried properly before cooking.

A sample of the puffer fish was brought to the Provincial Forensic Unit for toxicology examination.

Investigation into the incident continues.