The Davao City Police Office (DCPO) has started implementing its three-minute response rule to crimes.

The focus area, for now, is downtown. Once the Central 911 receives a call for help, police officers must respond within three minutes.

The strategy is an initiative of Police Regional Office-Davao (PRO-11) Director, Brigadier General Nicolas Torre III.

“You have traffic accident, within three minutes, the police will be there. You have crime that happens in the major streets, the police will be there as long as you call 911,” Torre said.

Aside from the downtown area, a simulation exercise for the implementation of the strategy is also conducted in far-flung communities.

“The three minutes response will also be based on the need of the people. So, sa mga hinterland they may not be also expecting the three minutes because the travel time alone from the nearest (police station)… geographically Davao City is very, very big,” Torre added.

DCPO said the three-minute response time strategy is attainable, especially that the Central 911 that receives calls from the public is already established.

“As of today, naa nay mga development, andam na ang atong Davao City Police Office, kay sa giingon pud sa atong Regional Director, magbase lang sa ta una diri sa sentro,” DCPO Spokesperson, Capt. Hazel Tuazon, said.