A group of water districts in Mindanao has signed a position paper expressing support to the beleaguered Cagayan de Oro Water District (COWD) against the “full intervention” of the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA).

During a meeting in Cagayan de Oro on Thursday, June 27, 2024, members and officials of the Mindanao Association of Water Districts (MAWD) affixed their signatures in the position paper to show their support for COWD against LWUA’s intervention.

MAWD said LWUA’s intervention has no basis since the latter has no capacity to resolve the conflict between COWD and bulk water supplier Cagayan de Oro Bulk Water Inc. (COBI).

“MAWD would likely to express LWUA to exhaust the administrative remedy as another better option both beneficial to both LWUA & COWD to resolve the terms of that financial assistance program rather than full intervention,” Benjie Espinosa of MAWD Legal Affairs said.

COWD’s board of directors and general manager were “set aside” and replaced by an interim board of directors and interim general manager appointed by LWUA.

The intervention came after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. ordered LWUA to explore the possibility of a takeover and to solve the conflict between COWD and COBI.

COWD’s chairman of the board said LWUA’s intervention allegedly constitutes abuse of authority.

“We have to make a voice because they are abusing their authority. No explanation just to take over? For what? In PD 198, it is very clear there in the law – if you are default of your loan, that’s the time that they will take over. we are paying monthly and even having an overpayment,” Nelia Lee, chairman of the board of directors, said.

Engr. Antonio Young, general manager of COWD, clarified that what they are questioning is not the authority of LWUA to take over but the procedure that was applied.

“So, the procedure only due process that is what we are questioning not the intervention or authority of LWUA because it clearly states that they have authority,” Young said.

GMA Regional TV One Mindanao has reached out to LWUA for comment, which it is yet to receive, as of this writing.