The Bangsamoro government is urging more sectoral representatives to participate in the first parliamentary elections in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) in 2025.

Based on the Bangsamoro Organic Law, the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) Parliament has seats reserved for representatives from different sectors.

“Under Section 7 of Article VII, paragraph (c) of the BOL, these representatives shall constitute at least 10%—totaling eight seats—of the BTA Parliament, specifically: two seats each for the non-Moro indigenous peoples (NMIPs) and settler communities, and one seat each for women, youth, traditional leaders, and the Ulama,” the Bangsamoro government said.

Bangsamoro Government Spokesperson and Cabinet Secretary, Mohd Asnin Pendatun, said the seats for disadvantaged sectors would pave they way for their representation in the region’s legislative body.

“Based on historical data and election experiences, these sectors usually hardly secure representation in the then-Regional Legislative Assembly (RLA); that’s why we make sure to afford them one, originating from their groups,” Pendatun said.

Interested group representatives may submit their applications in person or through e-mail to the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affair (MIPA) for NMIPs; Office for Settler Communities (OSC) for setter communities; Bangsamoro Women Commission (BWC) for women; Bangsamoro Youth Commission (BYC) for youth; Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta’ (BDI) for ulama; and Bangsamoro Commission for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (BCPCH) for traditional leaders.

They can submit their documents until June 7, 2024.

According to the Bangsamoro government, among the requirements are notarized applications, attached Constitution and By-Laws (CBL), track records proving at least three legitimate advocacy projects, and a minimum of 50 members per group.