The driver of a car was lucky enough to escape harm after a train hit the pickup truck at a railroad crossing in Barangay Anayan, Pili, Camarines Sur.

The pickup truck reportedly crossed the train tracks forcibly, causing it to get hit by the train.

Norma Brizuela, a resident who witnessed the incident, said she shouted to warn the driver as he approached the railroad tracks.

“Sige-sige man kaya si abante kaya niya [kan pickup truck], sabi ko ngani, ‘May tren! May tren!’,” Brizuela said.

The train also sounded its horn before the collision occurred.

Police investigation revealed that the driver failed to notice the approaching train due to fatigue.

“Pigkukurahawan daa siya kan tao, dae niya man nariparo kaya kang pag [abante] niya kan sasakyan niya, nahagop siya kan tren; ta dae niya napansin daa ta puyat siya,” PEMS. Jose Benito Rosaldo, Chief Investigator of the Pili Municipal Police Station (MPS).

Following the incident, barangay officials of Anayan plan to install crossing barriers in the area to prevent similar accidents in the future. They will also conduct patrols during the hours the train would pass. 

“Kung pwede lang makapaglaag sindang su barricade bagang kung may maabot na tren, igwa sindang pang-stop sa [mga lunadan],” Cezar Estrada, the Barangay Captain of Anayan, said.

The Philippine National Railways (PNR) and the driver of the pickup truck are cooperating in the investigation.

PNR is yet to release a statement on the incident, as of this writing.


On April 8, 2024, another pickup truck was also hit by a train at a railroad crossing in Barangay Cabagñan West, Legazpi City, Albay.

The pickup truck also tried to cross the train tracks.

The truck’s driver, a woman, suffered only minor injuries.