Boiboi, a Golden Retriever in Ligao, Albay, captured the hearts of netizens after his fur mom posted a charming photo of him while on a calm sit and seemingly listening to a priest’s sermon during a Mass.

The now viral Facebook post immediately tugged at the heartstrings of social media users who praised Boiboi for his calmness and well-behaved demeanor while inside the church.

“Wow Behave naman yan!” said one user.

“Cuteness overload!” said another netizen.

According to fur parent, Marie Mejes, it all started when they could not find a place for Boiboi to stay while they’re away, so they thought of leaving their fur baby with Father Franco, which eventually became common practice. 

The parish priest has since looked after the Golden Retriever, much to the delight of devotees and churchgoers.

According to a report by GMA Integrated News, Boiboi is a well-trained canine who had already completed a basic obedience course back when he was six months old.