A group of artists in Naga City has launched a unique mobile library initiative, providing free access to comic books and various other genres of literature to the public.

Alexandre Denise Cristobal, a 19-year-old avid reader particularly fond of self-help books, stumbled upon a collection of books laid out along Magsaysay Avenue in Naga City. Inspired to read, he quickly returned to browse through the selection.

"Nagpahatod pa talaga akong dali-dali, ta sabi ko, mainot na ako para makahiling akong libro," Cristobal said.

Comics, novels, academic books, and more are available for free reading, courtesy of Caloy and his fellow artists in Naga City.

This collection forms part of their innovative mobile library initiative, aimed at fostering literacy among city residents.

"Itong accessibility ang hinahanap ta. Gusto kang tao na magbasa. Mayo lang ning means para magkaigwa ning lugar, tamang panahon, tamang kung ano pa, para magbasa; and iyo ito su gusto kong i-break na dae nangangahulugan na [porket] mayo kitang lugar [edi] dae [na] kita pwedeng magbasa," Caloy said.

For three months now, the mobile library has been set up in various corners in Naga City, providing opportunities for learning and reading, especially to children.

Starting July 1, 2024, the library’s spot near Naga City Science High School on Magsaysay Avenue serves as a hub every Monday and Wednesday, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Caloy said he chose to wear a mask so that the emphasis is on the books. He wants to encourage reading among Naga residents.

"Habo ko maging clout-chaser na ginigibo ko ini for the clout, no. Gusto ko, ang focus kang tao, yaun sa libro, bako sa identity ko. Tatakupan ko ang mukha ko ta maurulay kita sa libro, kaya may maskara kami.”

The items in the hub are not for sale. However, Caloy said if someone can narrate a book's content, the book can be his or hers for free.