Naga City is experiencing a severe water shortage, a situation that may persist until 2025.
The Metropolitan Naga Water District (MNWD) attributes this to the effects of the recent El Niño.
"November [2023] pa lang — so from November [2023] to June [2024] pirang bulan na yan, almost eight months," Choppy De La Cruz, Public Information Officer at MNWD, said.
"So kung tama ito [na] sinabi ni Engineer Chito sa eight months na ýan — eight months man kitang mahalat para ma-recharge an satuyang mga sources so arog kaiyan kalawig," De La Cruz added.
Residents in Barangay Mabolo, Naga City like Crisanta Francisco are struggling with the water crisis.
“Masakiton magsaray—napupuyat kami pirming ala—alas dos yan. Ang makusog niya alas-tres [nin maagahon] makusog nay an—oh ngunyan ma nanaman tubig, abalahon dae nakakalaba, dae nakakalinihg CR," Francisco said.
The MNWD, in collaboration with the Naga City local government unit, has proposed alternative solutions to mitigate the water shortage.
These include increased water flow from upper Barangay sources and extending the operation of pumping stations from 16 to 22 hours a day.
“Si mga submersible motor dae man daw po ma-overuse man iyan na mag-abot sa pagka raot kaiyan, dae man daw po ang satuyang mga wells ma-over extract man — bumaba man an water level niya na maging kawsa lugod kan dakulang problema," De La Cruz said.