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Malaysia’s ex-king divorces former Miss Moscow months after abdicating — lawyer

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Malaysia's former king has divorced a Russian ex-beauty queen just months after news of their wedding emerged and he abdicated in a first for the country, his lawyer said.

The former Miss Moscow, however, says she is still married to Sultan Muhammad V, and has continued to post pictures of the couple on social media.



The man who really loves his woman will do everything for his beloved one. Love and taking care is the base for strong and healthy relationship. Good husband will always support and be nice with his wife. Always is interested how does she feel and takes care of her, if she is tired. Always 100% keeps his promises. Always takes responsibility for the family and doesn’t put this responsibility on his wife’s shoulders During pregnancy he would give his wife increased attention, gifts and care. Relationship are based on how can people support and understand each other. Family is the result of the work of two people who can give love gratuitously!?? Next time I will write about woman... ???????, ??-?????????? ??????? ???? ???????, ??????? ??? ??? ????? ???????. ?????? ? ?????? - ?????? ??????? ? ???????? ?????????. ??????? ??? ?????? ????????? ? ????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????. ?????? ?????????????? ??? ??? ???? ????????? ? ??????????? ? ???, ???? ??? ??????. ??????, ?? 100%, ?????????? ????? ??? ???? ????????. ?????? ????? ??????????????? ?? ???? ????? ? ?? ????????????? ??? ??????????????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ???????????? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ?????????? ????????, ?????? ??????? ? ?????????. ??????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????????? ? ????????? ???? ?????. ????? - ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ?????, ????????? ???????? ?????? ????????????.?? ? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ? ???????...

A post shared by Rihana Oksana Petra (@rihanapetra) on


The sultan stepped aside as Malaysia's monarch in January after just two years on the throne when reports of the marriage surfaced last year while he was officially on medical leave.

His abdication was the first by a monarch in the Muslim-majority country's history.

The sultan "has irrevocably divorced Ms Rihana Oxana Gorbatenko on 22 June 2019 by three talaqs in accordance with syariah laws," said a statement from his Singapore-based lawyer, Koh Tien Hua.

"Triple talaq" is the practice which sees a Muslim man end his marriage by saying "talaq" ("you are divorced") in Arabic three times.

An Islamic court in the northeastern Malaysian state of Kelantan, where Muhammad is still the sultan, had issued a divorce certificate, the lawyer said earlier this week.

But the former beauty queen denied knowing about the separation, telling news portal Malaysiakini: "I have never heard of any divorce statements made directly to me."

She has continued to post pictures on Instagram with the sultan and of a son she gave birth to in May.



Kepada semua pengikut pengikut saya yang dihormati, jutaan Terima Kasih diucapkan ke atas komen-komen anda. Saya amat senang hati apabila membaca ucapan ikhlas dari anda semua. Kehidupan kami telah berubah sejak anak comel ini dianugerahkan kepada kami suami-isteri dan membawa bersamanya kasih sayang dan cinta. Alhamdulillah, sekarang kami adalah keluarga yang bahagia dan sifat kekeluargaan adalah penting dalam kehidupan kita semua. Oleh itu, diharap kita sama-sama menjaga keluarga kita dan juga satu sama lain. Dan semoga kita dan ahli keluarga kita terus sihat sejahtera dan sentiasa dilindungi dan dirahmati Allah swt. Dear Followers! Thank you for your warm kind comments. I am very pleased to read your congrats. Our life has changed since this little cute bunny came to our world. He came here to be give love and to be loved. When one person starts to take care of another one more than about himself, love turns into a family. Family and children are the most important things in this life. Take care of each other. ??????? ??????????! ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????. ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ???? ????????????. ???? ????? ?????????? ? ?????????? ????? ?????????? ?????????, ??????? ?????? ? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ? ???? ???????. ????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ? ?????? ??????, ??? ? ????? ????, ?????? ??????????? ? ?????. ????? ? ???? - ??? ????? ?????. ???????? ???? ?????.

A post shared by Rihana Oksana Petra (@rihanapetra) on



Sebulan yang lalu, saya menjadi ibu kepada cahaya mata sulong saya Ismail Leon. Cara hidup saya berubah buat selamanya pada saat itu. Menjadi ibu adalah tanggungjawab yang besar. Berat badan si Leo menjatuh amat teruk dalam minggu-minggu pertamanya. Dan dia juga mengidap penyakit kuning. Saya fikir ia dilahirkan dengan kulit kuning. Alhamdullilah, berat badannya berjaya bertambah dan dia pulih dari penyakitnya selepas sebulan. Sekarang dia mampu minum sebotol susu setiap 2.5 - 3 jam, dan dia tidur dengan nyenyak, terutamanya apabila cuaca diluar tenang dan ia berada dalam pelukan ibunya. Saya pernah ragu-ragu andainya tidur saya pun akan terganggu, tetapi kini sudah biasa dengan tabiat dan jadual waktunya, maka saya juga dapat berehat dan tidur ... kadang-kadang. Segala keraguan saya terhadap menjadi ibu orang memang tiada berbatas. Masa inilah detik yang paling bermakna di dalam kehidupan seorang wanita. Yang paling penting, saya tidak takut lagi untuk menjadi seorang ibu. Jika saya dikurniakan lebih cahaya mata oleh Allah, saya akan menerima kurniaan itu dengan segala kesyukuran. Sehingga waktu itu, putera kecil kami akan terus membesar dan memberi kasih sayang kepada ibubapanya serta kepada semua insan yang menyayangi dan mendukunginya. One month ago I became mother of beautiful little baby Ismail Leon My life has changed forever. Child is a great happiness and at the same time it is a huge responsibility. Leo lost too much weight during the first few weeks of his life. He also had jaundice. At the beginning I didn’t pay attention on it because i thought he was born with yellow skin. Alhamdullilah, by one month old he recovered from it and gained the necessary weight in plus 1 kg. Now Leo eats every 2.5 - 3 hours, he sleeps good, especially when it is fresh air outside and he enjoys cuddling very much. Actually he is wonderful and very calm child. I was afraid that It would be impossible for me to sleep at nights, but I had already get used to his timing and even manage to sleep... sometimes My fears about motherhood were unnecessary, this is the most beautiful period in the life of any woman, and what is most important, (continue below) ????????

A post shared by Rihana Oksana Petra (@rihanapetra) on



Saya sedang menulis dan saya tidak dapat menahan air mata dari mengalir...dan saya rasa tidak perlu untuk menahannya, kerana ia adalah tangisan kegembiraan dan kesyukuran! Saya masih tidak percaya yang saya menerima bergitu banyak mesej yang baik daripada anda semua. Daripada seluruh pelusuk dunia! Dan sudah tentu saya mahu beritahu kepada semua rakyat Malaysia: anda semua berjiwa besar, kerana menerima dan menyokong saya - seorang wanita dari negara asing dan membesar dengan budaya berbeza. Saya sangat bangga darah Malaysia mengalir dalam anak saya dan saya akan lakukan apa sahaja untuk dia membesar selayaknya dengan kasih anda semua. Dalam hidup saya, saya terpaksa menghadapi pelbagai jenis kejahatan, tipu daya dan hasad dengki. Tetapi anda meyakinkan saya bahawa masih ada kebaikan di dunia ini. Kalaulah saya berpeluang, saya mahu memeluk anda semua dengan kegembiraan . Sokongan dan dorongan anda semua amat berharga bagi saya. Mesej masuk tidak henti-henti, saya akan terus berkongsi kisah hidup saya dengan ikhlas dan jujur. Semoga Allah memberkati anda semua, kawan-kawanku! P.S. Hari ini genap 2 bulan umur Leon. Terus membesar dan bahagia si cilik duniaku.??

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Lawyer Koh told Singapore's Straits Times newspaper there was "no objective evidence as yet as to the biological father of the child."

After Muhammad's abdication, Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah—a keen athlete who holds a string of positions on sporting bodies—was chosen as Malaysia's new king during a special meeting of the country's Islamic royalty.

Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy with a unique arrangement where the national throne changes hands every five years between the Islamic royal rulers of the country's nine states. — Agence France-Presse