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CHR 'alarmed' over gun violence in Abra

The CHR raised concern over succeeding shooting incidents involving local officials in Abra ahead of the 2025 elections.

The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) on Thursday raised concern over succeeding shooting incidents involving local officials in Abra ahead of the 2025 elections.

The CHR said that 3 shooting incidents in the past month "instill fear among citizens, discouraging their participation in the electoral process" as the 2025 election nears.

"Such a climate undermines the right to free and fair elections, which is a cornerstone of democracy,” CHR said in a statement.

The latest incident involved Pidigan, Abra Vice Mayor Noel Bisares, who survived an attack by an unidentified gunman inside his construction store on Sept. 12.

Former Dolores town councilor Gregorio Castillo also survived a gunshot by a riding-in-tandem assailant on Sept. 1.

CHR also cited the shooting incident involving former Bañacao Barangay Chairman Marcelo Banayos, who survived the attack on Aug. 29.

“The CHR strongly condemns these violent acts and calls for immediate action from the provincial authorities to resolve these cases,” it said.  

“These shooting incidents not only endanger the safety of individuals but also pose a serious threat to the community's peace and order. More importantly, they directly affect the integrity of the democratic process,” it added.

CHR warned that if the issue of gun violence would be left unresolved, it could “foster a culture of impunity in the province, eroding trust in the justice system and public institutions.”

The filing of Certificates of Candidacy (COC) for the 2025 elections is scheduled from October 1 to 8.

Meanwhile, the period of filing of COC for the 2025 Bangsamoro parliamentary elections will be from November 4 to 9.

The midterm elections will be on May 12, 2025.

“We call on the government to implement enhanced security measures to safeguard the community, uphold the rule of law, and ensure that the environment in Abra is conducive to the safe and peaceful exercise of voting rights," CHR said.  

--Mariel Celine Serquiña/ VAl, GMA Integrated News


Tags: chr, Abra