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55-year-old woman gored to death by carabao in Bacolod City

A 55-year-old woman in Bacolod City was allegedly gored to death by a carabao in Bacolod City, according to a report on State of the Nation on Thursday.

Police said the victim was harvesting water spinach or kangkong when the carabao attacked her.

The victim’s short pants, which contained her cellphone and wallet, were found on the carabao’s horns.

A resident tried to retrieve the clothing from but he was also attacked and injured by the animal. 

Police were forced to shoot the carabao. It’s carcass was slaughtered to make additional money to cover the funeral expenses and the medical treatment of the victims.

The victims' families have yet to decide if they will file charges against the owner of the carabao. —Vince Angelo Ferreras/RF, GMA Integrated News