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Minor beaten up by 3 alleged gang members in Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu

A minor suffered injuries after she was beaten up by three alleged gang members in Lapu-Lapu City in Cebu, according to a report from GMA Regional TV "Balitang Bisdak" on "Saksi."

The video of the incident showed the girl shielding herself from punches and kicks from the three alleged gang members.

The victim had asked for help from authorities, who then set up a meeting.

One of the three suspects and the one who videotaped the incident showed up at the meeting with barangay officials.

The incident, one of the suspects said, was their act of revenge. She thought the victim was among those who mauled her in the past.

Two other minors involved in the incident were immediately brought to a post-care facility in Lapu-Lapu City.

The family of the victim, meanwhile, has decided to proceed with filing a case against the suspects. — BAP, GMA Integrated News

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