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Quezon folk observe Holy Week with Centurion Festival

Faithful to tradition, residents of General Luna in Quezon observed the start of Holy Week with the Centurion Festival.


Photo: Peewee Bacuno
Photo: Peewee Bacuno

On Monday, young men dressed as centurions in colorful costumes made of crepe paper and masks paraded in the town's streets to commemorate the passion of Christ.

A centurion is an officer of the Roman army.  Biblical stories have it that Longinus, the blind centurion, pierced Jesus' side, causing some of his blood to hit his eye, which miraculously restored his vision.


Photo: Peewee Bacuno
Photo: Peewee Bacuno

Fr. Voltaire Olaya, parish priest of San Ignacio of Loyola, said the Centurion festival is not an ordinary festival.

The participation of the youth in the parade manifests their solidarity with the sufferings of Christ and their search for Christ in their lives.


Photo: Peewee Bacuno
Photo: Peewee Bacuno

Olaya said residents of General Luna has been observing this tradition for close to a century.

The centurions will parade in the streets of the town until Palm Sunday. —LDF, GMA News