DOH: 284 road mishaps reported amid holiday season

The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday said it has monitored a total of 284 road traffic incidents amid the holiday season.
The road mishaps have been reported from eight pilot sites under the monitoring of the Department from December 22 to 6 a.m. of December 27.
According to the DOH, the 284 incidents this year is 9% higher compared to the record in 2023.
The DOH said 53 of the incidents involved drunk drivers, 249 involved drivers without safety accessories, and 196 involved motorcycles.
Due to this, the Health Department discouraged motorists from driving while exhausted or drunk to avoid traffic incidents.
Motorists as well as their passengers should wear helmets and seatbelts. They should also observe the speed limit and road signs.
The DOH advised motorists to have seven to eight hours of sleep and avoid distractions like mobile phones while on the road.
“Sakaling mangailangan ng tulong, tumawag sa 911 emergency hotline o 1555 DOH emergency hotline (In case of need for help, call 911 emergency hotline or 1555 DOH emergency hotline),” the DOH said.—Joviland Rita/AOL, GMA Integrated News