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House panel cites ex-PNP official Garma in contempt for 'lying, evading questions'

The four House committees investigating the deaths related to the drug war during the administration of former president Rodrigo Duterte have cited retired police officer Royina Garma in contempt on Thursday.

Abang Lingkod party-list Representative Stephen Paduano initially made the motion to cite Garma in contempt after Garma, a retired police colonel and a former general manager of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, refused to provide a categorical answer to Paduano’s query as to whether she has a close relationship with Duterte.

Aside from Paduano, other congressmen also asked Garma the same question.

During the hearing, Garma’s answers pertaining to her closeness to the former president ranged from, “That is the perception”; “I do not feel that I am close [to Duterte]”; and a single word, “Perhaps”.

“I move to cite in contempt, Ms. Garma, for lying and evading questions being asked by the members of this committee and including this representation. So move, Mr. Chairman,” Paduano said.

The former police official was then reduced to tears after Paduano’s motion, prompting lawmakers to momentarily suspend proceedings.

Garma’s lawyer asked the committee if he could speak, but he was not allowed since it is not provided under the House rules.

Ultimately, Paduano’s motion was amended and 1-Rider party-list lawmaker Rodge Gutierrez moved to cite Garma in contempt and to have her detained in the House of Representatives until the inquiry of the four House joint committees ends.

Before the inquiry was suspended before 10 pm, a tearful Garma made a last ditch effort to be released from detention by appealing to the solons that she needs to be present for her daughter, who she said is dyslexic and has a bipolar condition.

“I have a daughter waiting for me who attempted to kill herself three times. I cannot leave her. Questions, Mr. Chair. With regards to my travels, that is the real answer. I do not know why my visa was cancelled, Mr. Chair,” Garma said, referring to Paduano’s earlier query as to why Garma’s US visa was cancelled and how she was informed of the cancellation by Japanese immigration authorities since she and her daughter were supposed to go to the United States.

“I do not know why my visa was invalidated according to that lady in Japan,” Garma added.

Paduano responded by saying that such a question was not the reason as to why she was cited in contempt.

“You were cited in contempt because you are evading the questions,” Paduano added.

The committee then advised Garma to appeal the decision to cite her in contempt, while House public order and safety panel chairperson Dan Fernandez asked the House Sergeant at Arms to bring Garma's daughter to the House instead so she could be with her mother.

"I think it is just right for us to bring the child here," Fernandez said.

Nobody registered opposition to Fernandez’s suggestion, and suspension of the hearing followed.

The hearing will resume on Wednesday next week.

Before she shed tears, lawmakers Paduano, Johnny Pimentel of Surigao del Sur, Keith Flores of Bukidnon, and Davao Oriental lawmaker Cheeno Almario earlier said Garma enjoyed the privilege of being assigned to what are considered are plum posts in the Philippine National Police (PNP), including tenures in the cities of Davao and Cebu.

Senior Superintendent Gerardo Padilla of the Bureau of Corrections, a former officer-in-charge of the Davao Prison and Penal Farm, earlier told the four joint House committees that, Garma, then assigned to  the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) - Davao City, told him not to interfere with an operation to kill Chinese inmates convicted of drug offenses who are detained in the Davao Prison and Penal Farm in August 2016.

Garma has repeatedly denied her involvement in Padilla’s claims.—RF, GMA Integrated News