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Angara admits measures to solve classroom shortage 'not very effective'

Angara admits measures to solve classroom shortage 'not very effective'

Education Secretary Sonny Angara on Tuesday admitted that the government's measures in addressing classroom shortage was ''not very effective,'' noting the need to hasten the procurement process.

''Tama ka [You're right]. I think, a decade ago it was siguro mga [estimated to be] 75,000, now it’s 159,000. So, whatever we’re doing it’s not very effective. So, I think, there are things that we should look at in terms of speeding up procurement – meaning, ang tawag nila diyan [what they call] Early Procurement Activities or EPA. Ibig sabihin, hindi pa pasado iyong budget for 2025 for example pero the early procurement for the building of classrooms ginagawa na natin iyon – iyan ang ibig sabihin noon [It means that while the 2025 budget has yet to be passed, the early procurement for the building of classrooms is already being done],'' Angara said at a Palace press briefing.

''You are already looking at the school sites na possible na ipa-fund under the GAA or budget of 2025 – tinitingnan mo na iyong school sites, what they can accommodate, you’re doing the spoil testing if it’s a tall building – sino-soil test mo na iyan, pinag-aaralan mo na iyong legal angles on…titled ba siya sa pangalan ng eskuwelahan,'' he added.

[You are already looking at the school sites for possible funding under the GAA ... you will look at school sites, what they can accommodate, you're doing the spoil testing if it's a tall building, soil-testing, you study the legal angles.]

Angara is also eyeing to strengthen the ''Adopt a School'' program, which gives the private sector an opportunity to become dynamic and strong partners towards the noble goal of educating all Filipinos.

''Bubuhayin natin iyong ‘Adopt a School’ kasi iyon talaga, has been proven very effective in mobilizing the private sector kasi may insentibo siya doon – may tax deduction siya doon eh, mababawas niya sa kinita niya or sa income tax niya iyong ibibigay niyang classroom, iyong halaga noong ibibigay niyang classroom, so that’s one,'' Angara explained.

[We will revive the Adopt a School because it has been proven very effective in mobilizing the private sector because there is an incentive there, there is tax deduction.]

Under the Adopt-a-School Program, the adopting private entity which engages in providing assistance and services to the public schools shall be entitled to tax incentives of up to 150% arising from the total amount incurred in the donation made within the taxable year. — RSJ, GMA Integrated News