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Marcos wants IGRB Manual of Operations fast-tracked

President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Wednesday called for the faster establishment of a manual for the National Government-Bangsamoro Government Intergovernmental Relations Body (IGRB) on the enactment of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL).

According to Marcos, the manual will provide clear distinction on roles and steps to be undertaken under the transition of power from the national government to the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) government ahead of the elections in 2025.

“With the forthcoming elections, I urge the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) secretary and co-chair of the IGRB to expedite the finalization of the IGRB manual of operations and resolution of identified issues,” he said during the turnover of the third IGRB progress report.

“The manual will clarify the roles, the functions that facilitate a proactive monitoring of issues and establish a system of continuity amongst those mechanisms,” he added.

As provided by the BOL, the IGRB is tasked to coordinate and resolve issues between the national government and the Bangsamoro government.

BARMM officially took over on February 26, 2019, after the creation of the region was overwhelmingly approved in a votation in January of the same year. Election for the BARMM’s first parliament is scheduled in 2025.

“As we move forward, let us be reminded that our partnership is built on trust, respect, and a shared vision for our people’s prosperity and wellbeing,” Marcos said.

In response, IGRB co-chair and DBM Secretary Amenah Pangandaman welcomed the President’s directive, saying the agency is “on board” and she hopes to sit down and organize for the preparation of the manual within the year.

“This is an appropriate next step since we have completed the seven IGRB mechanisms and we thank the President for recognizing that one of the ways forward is the codification of procedures through a Manual of Operations, which will solidify our efforts for lasting peace and economic development,” she said.

“Of course this will be a long and meticulous process but we look forward to ensure BARMM”s economic and social transformation,” Pangandaman added.

In its progress report, the IGRB said it has operationalized seven of its mechanisms — the Philippine Congress-Bangsamoro Parliament Forum, Intergovernmental Fiscal Policy Board, Joint Body for the Zones of Joint Cooperation, Intergovernmental Infrastructure Development Board, Intergovernmental Energy Board, Bangsamoro Sustainable Development Board, and the Council of Leaders. —KBK, GMA Integrated News