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Marcos: True freedom seen in Pinoys who fight, overcome daily struggles

Marcos says true freedom seen in Pinoys who fight, overcome daily struggles

President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Wednesday underscored that true freedom could be witnessed among Filipinos who fight their day-to-day struggles.

In his message for the 126th Independence Day, Marcos said he is inspired by the daily struggles of ordinary Filipinos who overcome challenges through their courage and strength.

He cited the country’s troops who continue to defend the Philippine territory against oppression.

“While the times may be different our struggles remain the same. Still we continue to witness the true spirit of freedom in every Filipino who fights fairly in their day-to-day lives,” Marcos said.

“We see it in the resilience of our farmers and fisherfolks as they provide us sustenance. We see it in the dedication of our teachers as they nurture the minds of the future generation. We see it in the tenacity of our soldiers as they protect every inch of our territory, adamant as they are in the certainty that Filipinos do not, and shall never, succumb to oppression,” he added.

Marcos stressed that he is one with the Filipinos in commemorating the anniversary of the proclamation of Philippine independence.

“On that glorious day in Kawit, Cavite 126 years ago, the triumphant tunes of our national anthem echoed throughout the jubilant air as our flag freely waved for the first time,” Marcos said.

“It heralded the birth of the Philippines and declared to the world the untiring resolve of the Filipinos to chart their own destiny as a sovereign nation,” he added.

The President further lauded the strong sense of nationalism of Filipinos as well as their resolve to be united in protecting the freedom that was fought for by their ancestors.

“A century and a quarter have passed since we unshackled the chains of subjugation yet the fervor of nationalism persistently burns brightly in each of us today. We stand united as ever, upholding with pride the hard-earned liberty bequeathed to us by our forebears,” Marcos said.

Marcos also urged the public to be dedicated in aspiring for a “Bagong Pilipinas” where they can have a brighter future.

“As we celebrate the founding of our nation today, let us dedicate ourselves to the challenging but rewarding task of realizing the full potential of the Filipinos and building a Bagong Pilipinas—one that truly embodies the ideals of a just, progressive, and independent Republic,” he said.

The Marcos administration unveiled in July last year the Bagong Pilipinas campaign, a new brand of governance and leadership, in a bid to implement an “all-inclusive plan for economic and social transformation.”

Based on a memorandum circular signed by Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin on July 3, 2023, “Bagong Pilipinas” is characterized by a “principled, accountable and dependable government reinforced by unified institutions of society, whose common objective is to realize the goals and aspirations of every Filipino.” —KG, GMA Integrated News