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Sherwin theory points to Chinese citizen 'Wenyi Lin' as Alice Guo's ma

Sen. Sherwin Gatchalian has a theory—based on the documents of the family of Bamban Mayor Alice Guo's pig farm and reports from her family's embroidery shop near the senator's residence in Valenzuela—that her mother is a Chinese passport holder named Wenyi Lin.  

According to Mav Gonzales’ report in 24 Oras, the papers of the piggery shows the mayor’s name, her father Jian Zhong Guo, her two siblings, and a certain “Wenyi Lin.” 

“Sa family business niya, itong si Wenyi andun lahat. Consistent. At nung tinignan namin yung travel records, yung tatay niya si Guo Jian Zhong and Wenyi traveled 170 times in a span of  six years. So madalas silang bumibiyahe as a couple,” said Gatchalian.

“Ang personal analysis ko baka ito yung biological mother niya," he added.

(In her family businesses, you can consistently find Wenyi’s name. When looking at the travel records, their father Guo Jian Zhong, and Wenyi traveled 170 times in a span of six years. So they could be traveling together as a couple. My analysis is that she might be her biological mother.) 

Guo earlier claimed that their former Filipino house helper Amelia Leal is her real mother and the one indicated in her birth certificate. 

A retired justice of the Supreme Court had said that the Filipino citizenship of Guo relied on the nationality of her mother. 

But Gatchalian said that Guo’s biological mother could be a Chinese citizen based on the Bureau of Immigration records. 

The senator said that among the legal implications on Guo’s citizenship if her mother is proven to be a Chinese citizen is that she would have to discard her Philippine passport and her candidacy. 

“Parang pinapakilalang nanay niya sa mga taga-doon sa Valenzuela. So ako ang personal assessment ko, this might be the biological mother ni Alice Guo,” said Gatchalian. 

(I think she is being introduced as her mother to those in Valenzuela. So she could be Alice Guo’s biological mother.) 

GMA Integrated News is seeking the mayor’s comment regarding the matter raised by the senator. 

Gatchalian said that the Senate hearing is not all about Guo. Lawmakers just want to find out where the billions of pesos invested in the POGO hub in Tarlac came from as Guo’s family businesses do not earn that much. 

Quo warranto 

The Office of the Solicitor General is considering the filing of a quo warranto petition against the mayor. 

“We’ll gather, finalize, consolidate all available evidence and on the basis of this evidence we will determine exactly what cause of action — what kind of legal action or complaint we are going to file,” Solicitor General Menardo Gueverra said.

The OSG said that possible criminal cases against Guo would be a different matter. 

“Kung merong corruption involved, kung merong violation of gambling regulation and so forth and so on. Merong misconduct on her part — that’s a totally different matter,” said Guevarra. “Kung may possible criminal behavior then we leave that to the DOJ. Kung may possible misconduct on the part of the mayor, then we leave it to the DILG.” 

(If there is corruption involved, if there is a violation of gambling regulation, and so forth, and so on. If there is misconduct on her part - that’s a different matter. If there is possible criminal behavior then we leave that to the DOJ. If there is possible misconduct on the part of the mayor, then we leave it to the DILG.) —Vince Ferreras/NB, GMA Integrated News