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Marcos ICC stance remains consistent, briefer not a change in position

President Ferdinand ''Bongbong'' Marcos Jr.'s stance on the International Criminal Court (ICC) remains consistent, Presidential Communications Office (PCO) Secretary Cheloy Garafil said on Thursday.

Garafil was asked if the administration is adopting a different tune when it comes to the ICC amid the Department of Justice (DOJ's) move of preparing a briefer on the legal options available to Marcos regarding any arrest warrants that may be issued by the said court.

Marcos earlier said his government would not serve any arrest warrant from the ICC against former President Rodrigo Duterte.

Garafil, a lawyer, said that the briefer is not a ''change in position'' of the Marcos administration.

''The President's stance on the ICC remains clear and consistent. However, it is the duty of the Department of Justice to explore all legal avenues and ensure that the President is fully informed of his options,'' Garafil said in a message.

''This is standard procedure, not a change in position, ensuring that our administration remains prepared for any scenario,'' she added.

The DOJ earlier said the briefer is being done “with an awareness that policy frameworks may evolve.”

Justice spokesman Mico Clavano had said the briefer will contain the implications should the country stay out of the ICC or if the government should return as well as the legal obligations that may arise.

Clavano issued the remark when sought for comment on the possibility of the ICC issuing an arrest warrant soon in relation to the Duterte administration's war against illegal drugs, as claimed by former senator Antonio Trillanes IV.

Meanwhile, some of the President’s allies in the House of Representatives said on Thursday that the Philippines rejoining the ICC will be a welcome move for the Marcos administration.

“We live in a rules-based international order, and ICC is an important structure because there are border-less crimes and there are chances when a country could not go after the criminals and make them accountable because these criminals are in power,” Tingog party-list lawmaker Jude Acidre said in a press conference.

“There’s no reason to be afraid of ICC. If there is nothing to hide, why be afraid of ICC?,” Manila lawmaker Ernix Dionesio added.—With a report from Llanesca Panti/RF, GMA Integrated News