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Bar exam 2023 No. 2 Mark Vivit didn't expect to rank high

Ateneo Law School's Mark Jose Padual Vivit said he didn't expect to place No. 2 in the bar examinations because he found it punishing.

Mark said he watched the Supreme Court's live announcement of the bar exam results with his loved ones, and screamed and cried after learning that he made it.

“Nung, ano, tinawag na ‘yung pangalan ko, sigawan kami tapos iyak tapos nag yakapan kami ng parents ko sa sobrang tuwa,” Vivit told GMA News Online.

(When my name was called, we screamed and then cried, and then my parents and I hugged out of joy.)

Vivit said he was also not expecting to place second with a score of 89.1250%.

“Kasi nahirapan po ako nung exam. Parang nung pagkatapos po ng exam, parang na windang ako, parang hindi ko alam kung anong nangyari. Parang gano'n po kasi ‘yung feeling after,” Vivit said.

(Because I had a hard time with the exams. After the exams, I felt drained. It was like I didn’t know what happened. That was how I felt after.)

He congratulated all who took the exams, whether or not they passed.

“We have hurdled through the 2023 Bar. And always remember that the legal profession is not a race. It’s a marathon. So basta gusto niyo, go lang ng go. Try lang ng try,” Vivit said.

“So congrats to everyone,” he added. —NB,GMA Integrated News