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DSWD to temporarily suspend AICS guarantee letters for Pinoys in crises

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) will temporarily halt the issuance of guarantee letters for beneficiaries under its Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) program.

In an interview on Dobol B TV on Saturday, DSWD Assistant Secretary Romel Lopez said the suspension will be implemented starting Dec. 7 until the end of the year.

Lopez said this would give way for annual liquidation activities as part of the agency's fiscal obligation, pursuant to the Department of Budget and Management’s (DBM) directive.

The guarantee letter serves as assurance to a service provider that the government will pay for the services availed by the beneficiary, who is deemed as vulnerable, disadvantaged, or otherwise in a crisis situation.

Service providers may include hospitals, funeral homes, and other providers willing to accept guarantee letters issued by the DSWD for payment of services. 

The AICS program provides medical assistance, burial, transportation, education, food, or financial assistance for other support services or needs of a person or family.

The amount of assistance, through guarantee letters, to augment cost of hospitalization, medicines, burial, among others could range from P10,000 to P150,000.

Lopez said the issuance of guarantee letters will resume in January 2024.

“Ibibigay lang ang guarantee letter sa mga ospital o punerarya na tumatanggap ng guarantee letter,” Lopez said. [Beneficiaries may provide the guarantee letters to hospitals or funeral parlors that accept these.]

Lopez added, "Karamihan ng malalaking ospital sa Metro Manila ay tumatanggap ng guarantee letter." [Most of the big hospitals in Metro Manila accept the guarantee letters.]

While the issuance of guarantee letters is suspended, Lopez said that outright cash assistance is still available for qualified beneficiaries.

Based on figures reported on the DSWD website, the AICS program has served 1,867,563 beneficiaries as of the first half of 2024.

Last year, the number of AICS beneficiaries reached 5,336,381 -- far exceeding its total target by 432.17%.

Recipients are categorized as: family head and other needy adult (FHONA); women in especially difficult circumstances (WEDC); children in need of special protection (CNSP); senior citizens (SC); persons living with HIV-AIDS (PLHIV); persons with disability (PWD); and youth in need of special protection (YNSP). –VDV/KG, GMA Integrated News