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Pinoy Abroad

More aid trucks enter Gaza; Pinoys in Gaza safe, accounted for

Humanitarian aid continued to pour into the besieged Gaza Strip on Tuesday after the first trucks carrying the much needed food and medicine supplies were allowed to pass the Rafah Crossing Border over the weekend.

At least 20 more trucks were cleared for passage on Monday but they were not allowed to bring in fuel supplies, Raffy Tima reported Tuesday on “24 Oras."

“The UN Relief and Works Agency, (UNRWA) tells us that they will exhaust their fuel supplies, fuel reserves, within the coming days,” said UN Secretary-General spokesperson Stephane Dujarric.

Several countries have also delivered aid to Gaza through the El Irish Airport of Egypt. The said aid is likewise expected to be transferred to the vital border.

The Philippine Embassy in Cairo said it is awaiting when the Egyptian government will green-light the passage of foreign nationals including  Filipinos across the border.

The Philippine Embassy in Jordan likewise said it is waiting for the go-signal for the repatriation. In the meantime, all Filipinos in Gaza are safe and accounted for.

2 kidnap victims released

Meanwhile, the militant group Hamas has released two more kidnap victims for humanitarian reasons.

This is the second time the militants freed victims after US nationals Judith Tai Raanan and Natalie Raanan.

A Reuters source said the released captives were Israeli nationals. The Hamas group said they were freed due to their age and health conditions.

The senior citizens were turned over to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) who transferred them to the custody of the Israeli Defense Forces.

They were brought to a hospital in Tel Aviv for medical attention. —Sundy Locus/LDF/KG, GMA Integrated News