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Bayani Fernando a transformer not transactional, says Gordon

Former Senator Richard Gordon on Friday mourned the passing of ex-Marikina Mayor and Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) chairperson Bayani Fernando who died at the age of 77.

Gordon expressed his deepest sympathy to the bereaved family, adding that his former running-mate in the May 2010 polls “lived up to his name” as a hero and a “worthy people‘s leader, with ambition and vision for our country”.

“We respected each other as transformers and not transactional leaders,” said Gordon.

“We ran together with the hope of getting a 12-year partnership offering continuous, strong, firm, and fair leadership towards uplifting our people through change, commitment, and continuity. We tried to give an example or measure of what our people can be; proud, dignified, not through handouts or dole-outs but through a hold on, fight on, self-reliant people,” he said.

“We ran together because we offered a choice, a track record of good governance, and not empty, meaningless popularity. He and I knew it was almost Quixotic. We refused to fear, be mediocre, or to suffer in silence or be complicit,” Gordon added.

Dubbed the transformers, Gordon and Bayani ran together in the 202 presidential elections but lost to late President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III and former Vice President Jejomar Binay.

“There are not enough words for our dreams!” said Gordon.

“We mourn but will not be forlorn…We won’t just look back but we must all find the strength to continue to strive and not to yield!” he added.

House Speaker Martin Romualdez likewise extended condolences to the family of Bayani, whom he called a “dedicated public servant who left an indelible mark on the city of Marikina and our nation”.

“His legacy of visionary leadership and dedication to the betterment of our communities will forever be remembered,” Romualdez said.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time. May he rest in eternal peace,” he said.

For his part, Quezon First District Rep. Wilfrido Enverga paid tribute to his party-mate at the Nationalist People’s Coalition (NPC) whose service served “high standards for all of us in NPC and in public service”.

“Bayani’s brand of public service is one of our benchmarks. He set high standards for all of us in NPC and in public service. The Bayani Fernando tenacity at solving problems and witty sense of humor were his most potent weapons,” Enverga said.

“No problem was unsolvable to Bayani. Bayani will most certainly be missed,” he added.

Bayani’s wife, Marides, earlier confirmed the death of the former MMDA chairperson. He died at the Quirino Memorial Hospital after he was reportedly rushed to the hospital after falling from the roof of their house.

Fernando, 77, served three terms as mayor of Marikina City from 1992 to 2001. He then served as Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) chairperson from 2002 to 2009.

He was also the Secretary of Public Works and Highways from January to April 2003.

From 2016 to 2022, Fernando served as the representative for the 1st District of Marikina in the House of Representatives. —NB, GMA Integrated News