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Brawner: Philippines lagging behind other claimant countries in Spratlys

Brawner: Philippines lagging behind other claimant countries in Spratlys

A maritime domain patrol conducted by the Armed Forces of the Philippines Western Command showed areas occupied by other claimant countries in the Spratlys as having far more modern facilities than the Philippines.

On Saturday, GMA Integrated News was onboard the patrol that traced the boundaries of Philippine territory under Presidential Decree 1596 which declared Kalayaan as a municipality of Palawan from unoccupied Kanduli Shoal near Palawan to Fiery Cross occupied by China.

At Barque Canada or Maskardo Reef occupied by Vietnam, the reef was teeming with activities with ships and trucks present in what appears to be a reclamation project.


A photo taken while on board an aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Western Command conducting maritime domain patrol shows what looks like a reclamation project at Barque Canada or Maskardo Reef in the Spratly Islands. The said reef has been occupied by Vietnam since 1988. Joseph Morong



Fiery Cross occupied by China, meanwhile, looked like a city in the middle of the sea with building and facilities that resemble modern day cities.


A maritime domain patrol by the AFP Western Command on September 9, 2023 shows facilities in Fiery Cross occupied by China. MARLON GARCIA/ GMA Integrated News
A maritime domain patrol by the AFP Western Command on September 9, 2023 shows facilities in Fiery Cross occupied by China. MARLON GARCIA/ GMA Integrated News

Nearby, a flotilla of Chinese vessels could be seen.

A flottilla of Chinese vessels stand ground near Fiery Cross occupied by China. MARLON GARCIA/ GMA Integrated News
A flotilla of Chinese vessels stand ground near Fiery Cross occupied by China. MARLON GARCIA/ GMA Integrated News


Pag-asa Island pales in comparison equipped only with a runway and a recently constructed beaching ramp.

Armed Forces chief General Romeo Brawner Jr. admitted that the Philippines needs to keep up with other claimant countries.

“We are definitely lagging behind, by years, We should spend more for the development of these features,” Brawner said.

The Philippines claims nine areas including Ayungin Shoal. Vietnam occupies 38, China, 7, Malaysia claims five, Brunei, two, and Taiwan claims one. — RSJ, GMA Integrated News