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Rep. Villanueva blasts DepEd for 'promoting' same-sex union in draft curriculum

House Deputy Speaker Eddie Villanueva of CIBAC party-list has accused the Department of Education (DepEd) of promoting same-sex unions among the Filipino youth, which he said is "anti-God" and "unconstitutional."

Villanueva issued the statement on Wednesday in reference to the draft Grade 10 curriculum for Araling Panlipunan, which provides for discussions on gender rights and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community including:

  • laws protecting various genders such as Quezon City and Manila city’s ordinances against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression
  • gender pay gap and
  • experiences of LGBT children in the Philippines

The same draft curriculum also provides discussions on discrimination in home, schools and work, gender-based hate crimes as well as same-sex union, privileges of same-sex-union, and the difference between same-sex union and same-sex marriage.

"We are shocked to discover that the promotion of gender ideology, same-sex union and same-sex marriage is slowly creeping under our nose into the very curriculum of our basic education," Villanueva, the leader of Jesus Is Lord movement, said.

"What is more worrying is the slant towards promoting and condoning such practices in the minds of our young students," he added.

"Not only is this anti-God, but also clearly unconstitutional."

Villanueva cited Section 13, Article 2 of the Constitution which provides that "the State shall promote the moral and spiritual well-being of our youth."

"I do not see that the introduction of these topics into our basic education curriculum is heading the right direction," he said.

"Though this is still a draft and, hopefully, will still undergo revisions, it is just very disturbing that there are proponents of gender ideology inside DepEd that inject this advocacy to the education of our youth," he added.

Villanueva called on "all stakeholders to be more vigilant on this issue because this a primordial concern that will shape the moral fiber of our youth."

"We plan to have an inquiry or investigation on this matter," he said.

DepEd spokesperson Michael Poa, in response, said that such topics are not new to the basic education curriculum for the right reasons.

"The topic on same-sex unions has been in the curriculum since 2013. It seeks to provide learners with a broader understanding of gender-based issues, encourage respect within the community, and promote inclusivity," Poa told GMA News Online.

"Nonetheless, the Department will consolidate and consider all the comments received, as we move to finalize the K-10 curriculum guide," he added. —Llanesca T. Panti/KBK/ VAL, GMA Integrated News