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SWS: 7 out of 10 Filipinos pray daily

At least 7 out of 10 Filipino Catholics pray at least once daily, according to the Fourth Quarter 2022 Social Weather Survey on the frequency of praying.

The survey was conducted from Dec. 10 to 14, 2022 with a sample size of 1,200 respondents aged 18 and above nationwide with sampling error margin of ± 2.8% and 79% of whom are Catholics.

The results also showed that 10% pray several times a week while 6% pray every week.

Four percent pray 2 to 3 times a week, 4% about once a month, 2% nearly every week, 1% pray several times a year, 1% pray about 1 to 2 times a year, 1% pray less than once a year, and 1% never pray.

On the question of attending religious services, 38% of respondents replied that they attend services once a week or more than once a week.

About 24% attend two or more times a month, 20% percent once a month, while 9% attend services 2 to 11 times a year, and 7% attend once a year.

About 3% of the respondents said they never attend church services.

Of those who attend church services, 93% personally visited places of worship in the last three months while 3% watch religious services online or on TV with 2% attended services both in-person and online or on TV.

But about 1% did not attend any religious services. -- BAP, GMA Integrated News

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