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Filipinos who trust news rise according to latest Reuters study

More Filipinos have been found to trust the news, the Digital News Report 2022 released by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism  have shown.

The DNR 2022 data indicated that Filipinos who trust most news most of the time” have risen to 37%.

Trust for news in the Philippines is still below this year’s global average of 42%.

Forty-seven percent of Filipino adults have also been found to sometimes or often turn away from the news.

News avoidance in the Philippines increased to 75% if those who occasionally did so were included.

Reasons for the avoidance include getting put off by too much news, too much coverage of politics and COVID-19, news affecting their mood, and belief that some content was unworthy and biased.

DNR 2022 is based on a poll of 93,432 people, where 2,023 are Filipino adults.

Respondents are from 46 media markets in six continents polled online between January 18 and February 2. —NB, GMA News