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Enrile’s daughter pays tribute to the former senator as he turns 97

Former Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile’s daughter Katrina paid tribute to her father as he celebrated his 97th birthday on Valentine’s Day.

In a Facebook post on Sunday, Katrina said her father had been her “strength and inspiration.”

“You are far from perfect as we all are sinners here but, let me honor you today not only with my love but to let you know that you are a good person. And like I said not perfect but a good and kindhearted man who has never forgotten his roots,” she said.

“Even if you have walked in the corridors of power, you still remain the same humble lad from Cagayan. I know that is where your heart is!” she added. “I just wanted to let you know how much I love you. And although we speak everyday, it’s never enough.”

Katrina also alluded to the memes of her father. Enrile has been the subject of numerous memes due to his age.

“Okay we can all laugh with them if that’s what makes them happy for after all you have always said ‘gusto ko happy ka,’ and to this day many still don’t get you,” she said.

Further, Katrina offered a prayer for her father.

“I pray for length of days, I pray that you never tire of living, I pray that what you have imparted to me, you will be able to impart to the youth of today… and I pray that one day I can make you proud of me too,” she said.

Enrile was born in Gonzaga, Cagayan on February 14, 1924.

He served as a Defense Secretary during the Marcos dictatorship.

In 2015, he faced graft and plunder charges in connection with the alleged pork barrel scam. However, the Supreme Court granted his bail petition in light of his  age and voluntary surrender.

He also ran as a senatorial candidate during the 2019 midterm elections. — DVM, GMA News