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Palace says Dureza’s resignation a ‘true meaning’ of delicadeza

Malacañang on Wednesday commended Presidential Peace Adviser Jesus Dureza for taking responsibility and apologizing for the corrupt acts committed by two of his subordinates who were fired by President Rodrigo Duterte.

“His resignation has set a concrete example and put a true meaning to the value of delicadeza and morality in governance. This is leadership by example,” presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo said in a statement.

Dureza served the country, particularly under the Duterte administration, by helping the President walk that “extra mile in advancing peace for the good of our nation and all Filipinos,” the Palace said, expressing its gratitude to the presidential adviser.

The Bangsamoro Organic Law was enacted under Dureza’s watch. The law sought to end decades of armed conflict in Mindanao by creating a political entity with boarder scope than the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

Several rounds of peace negotiations with the communist rebels were also spearheaded by Dureza, until Duterte canceled the talks in November last year due to attacks by the New People’s Army on civilians and government troops.

Panelo did not say if Duterte is now looking for Dureza’s replacement.

Duterte said Tuesday that he was “sad” to accept Dureza’s resignation.

The President fired Ronald Flores, undersecretary for Support Services and national program manager of the Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan (PAMANA), and Yeshter Donn Baccay, assistant secretary for Support Services and PAMANA Concerns. Both offices are under Office of the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP).

Following the President’s announcement, Dureza released a letter addressed to Duterte, saying he resigned “to pave the way for the needed reorganization” that the chief executive may wish to implement at OPAPP.

“I truly am sad that OPAPP, as an institution which I head, had to suffer publicly due to the acts of a few,” Dureza said. “Nonetheless, I take full responsibility and apologize for all this.”

Panelo said the dismissal of Flores and Baccay “serves as another warning to all government officials that no person is exempted from the administration’s high and exacting standards of honesty in public service.”

“Their termination also underscores that the President remains resolute in stamping out corruption in the bureaucracy, which includes offices which are specialized in particular fields of governance. Like the war on drugs, the war on corruption must be fought unremittingly,” the Palace official said.

On Tuesday, Duterte said he will fire another government official on grounds of corruption.

The President vowed to reduce corruption to the barest minimum under his watch and eliminate officials accused of abusing authority.

Critics, however, questioned the sincerity behind the President’s words and actions—considering that some of those who were removed from office are back in government and only a few have been charged before a court of law. —VDS, GMA News