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Appointments body suspends Gina Lopez confirmation

The Commission on Appointments (CA) has suspended until Thursday the confirmation hearing on the nomination of Environment Secretary Gina Lopez, controversial for her tough stance against mining.

Only two out of the 23 listed oppositors were heard during Wednesday's hearing.

Senator Manny Pacquiao, chair of the CA Committee on Foreign Affairs, said it is unlikely that the bicameral appointments body will vote on Lopez's nomination this week.

Lopez is set to leave for the US on Friday. Her appointment will be considered bypassed if she fails to get the nod of the CA before Congress goes on a break on March 18.

"Totally killed a mountain"

During the day's hearing, Lopez told San Juan City Rep. Ronaldo Zamora that his elder brother, Manuel Zamora Jr., "totally killed the mountain," which the latter's company had been mining for the last two decades.

Manuel Zamora Jr. is the chairman of Nickel Asia Corp, the country’s largest nickel miner.

"Sorry, Mr. Chairman, but that's your mine," Lopez said as she made a presentation before the CA panel. She did not identify the said mining site.

Last month, Lopez ordered to close 23 mining operations and suspend five others following a months-long audit. She also canceled 75 mining contracts. She said she was merely following the law.

"The DENR should adhere to the principles of sustained development, which meets  the needs of the citizens without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs. I'm just following the law," she said. —KBK, GMA News