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AFP vice chief named new PHL Army commander

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) vice chief of staff Lt. Gen. Glorioso Miranda has been named acting commanding general of the Philippine Army, replacing Lt. Gen. Eduardo Año, the new AFP chief.

Miranda, a member of the Philippine Military Academy Class of 1983, formally took over the helm of the Philippine Army on Friday following a change of command ceremony attended by top defense and military officials.

Among those present during the change of command ceremony Friday were Año and Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana.

In his speech, Miranda assured the public that the Army will always be a step ahead in addressing any threat group.

“The Army will remain relevant, effective, and efficient. Needless to say, the Army will maintain its unfaltering resolve to the service of the Filipino people and the chain of command and fully support and enable policies of higher authorities,” he said.

He also said the Army will respect the ongoing peace talks.

“As we, the Army unflinchingly subscribe to the  ongoing peacetalks to those who are willing to talk, the Army will continue to retool the force to partake in pursuance to the declaration of war by our commander in chief against illegal drugs and war against terrorism,” he said.

For his appointment, Miranda thanked President Rodrigo Duterte, Lorenzana, retired AFP chief Ricardo Visaya, and Año “who entrusted me to command the entire Philippine Army.”

“I have to admit in candor that I am truly humbled by this designation in acting capacity as it may. It is a challenge I accept and that I fully commit my unrelenting dedication to service,” he said.

“This time around it is not just a matter of commanding but rather the administration and management of the command itself that cascades into the individual soldier deployed in various regions,” he added.

Miranda was appointed acting AFP chief of staff in April 2016 to replace retiring AFP chief of staff Gen. Hernando Iriberri, whose mandatory retirement came at a time when appointments are banned due to the election season.

Miranda, former commander of the AFP's Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom), was appointed vice chief of staff in March this year. He is set to retire in October next year.

According to his profile on the Philippine government website, Miranda was born in San Fernando, La Union, on October 8, 1961. He is married to Caroline Miranda, with whom he has four children.

Miranda, who had received commando training in the United Kingdom and Singapore, is a Scout Ranger, a paratrooper, an infantry and intelligence officer. He also has Master Degrees in National Security Administration as well as Business Administration. —KBK, GMA News