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Palace highlights anti-drug war in first issue of gov't tabloid

In a bid to bring President Rodrigo Duterte closer to the masses, Malacañang has launched a tabloid that will be distributed to the public for free twice a month.

The maiden issue of “Mula sa Masa, Para sa Masa” touted the gains of the Duterte administration’s ongoing campaign against illegal drugs, with the headline of “Duterte wagi sa giyera kontra droga!” boasting about how the President has “destroyed” narco-politics.

Based on photos uploaded by the state-run PTV-4 on its Facebook page, the next few pages contain articles looking back on Duterte’s campaign promise of curbing the country’s drug problem, and the steps he has taken to fulfill it after he took office.

There are also opinion pieces likening President’s war against drugs to the biblical anecdote about David’s fight with Goliath, as well as branding him as someone like the hero General Antonio Luna.

Similar to other tabloids, “Mula sa Masa, Para sa Masa’s” centerfold is dedicated to entertainment stories. Unlike other papers, however, the government-funded paper only features blind items on showbiz personalities whose lives were destroyed because of their supposed addiction to illegal drugs.


Presidential Communications Office chief Sec. Martin Andanar said his office will soon upload an online version of the tabloid, to be called "News for Change.” — Xianne Arcangel/RSJ, GMA News