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Miriam rallies youth to end culture of corruption

Presidential candidate Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago on Monday called on the youth voters to use their “immense power” to change the course of the election in order to end the reigns of corrupt and traditional politicians.

Addressing the graduating students of the Bulacan State University (BSU) in Malolos City, Santiago started her 13-minute speech by throwing a few pick-up lines.

Santiago, however, turned serious over the issue of corruption.

Santiago said the youth, given its sheer number, idealism and active participation on social media, have the power to end the culture of corruption in the government.

“Para umasenso tayo, challenge the status quo and create a better country for our people. Use your right to vote to change our country… Anim na taon tayong magiging under sa bagong president. Kaya kailangan piliin natin, yung matatag, yung may prinsipyo na kaagad,” Santiago said.

“You are now pillars of your community as graduates of this state university. You have immense influence over your family, your friends and neighbors. Tell them to make an intelligent choice,” she added.

Santiago likewise reminded the youth to always be critical of the promises of the candidates and not allow themselves to be swayed by the candidates’ empty promises or popularity.

“Ngayong mayroong mga presidential debate, ang maririnig mo lang ay ‘magbibigay ako ng mga tulay dyan, magbibigay ako ng mga kalsada, libre ang state education’. E nasaan na? Ang malaking pagtatanong ay saan tayo kukuha ng pera? Hindi naman nila tinutukoy yun,” Santiago said.

“As members of the electorate, be critical, vocal and participative in the political process. We are not a helpless people!” she added.

Finally, Santiago also called on the youth to always speak up against corruption, may it be in their local community or in national government.

“You are not powerless, use your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube accounts to voice your anger and frustrations against the politicians who are driven by greed and who are the very source of corruption in the government,” she said.

“You have the right to be furious at all these corrupt politicians, because after all, it is our money, our money, that is being used to sustain their expensive lifestyles!” Santiago added, drawing loud cheer and standing ovation from the crowd. —KBK, GMA News