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DOLE readies employment guide for first-time jobseekers

With many graduates about to seek work for the first time, the Department of Labor and Employment has prepared an updated pocket-sized employment guide to help them find the jobs suited to them. DOLE Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz said the “Minute Guide for Young Jobseekers” is a “one-stop-shop” or “one-glance” employment guidance manual for job hunters. “Job search is a process. It may be tiring, frustrating, and disappointing. But it need not be traumatic. For those who are ready, it can be a fulfilling and life-changing experience, particularly if one approaches the task with adequate knowledge and confidence that springs from self-worth and skills to position the jobseeker in a fiercely competitive marketplace,” Baldoz said. She said copies the guide are available from the DOLE's Bureau of Local Employment on the sixth floor of the First Intramuros BF Condominium Corp., along Solana Street corner Andres Soriano Avenue in Intramuros. Interested parties may call 528-0084; 528-0184; or fax an inquiry at 527-2421. First published in 2007, the “Minute Guide for Young Jobseekers” is a collaborative project between the BLE and the International Labor Organization (ILO). It is a self-help manual intended to assist young jobseekers, especially new graduates, school leavers, and out-of-school, and unemployed youth in getting a job that fits their skills and qualifications. Four parts The guide has four parts, organized to help a first-time job seeker to examine himself or herself and understand how their personal characteristics relate to personal choices. Among the built-in self-discovery processes included in the manual are:

- identifying specific personality type and interests; - determining the type of work and environment to thrive in; - confirming belief on the rightness of choice linked to job satisfaction;   productivity and fulfillment of life intentions; - a challenge to consider changing a current career path into something more fitting and fulfilling work experience.
Baldoz noted the guide also contains a discussion on how to:
- write a resume - prepare for interview - accepting or negotiating a job offer.
"It also informs the reader of the basic course of action after closing a job deal,” said Baldoz. The manual also has success stories and tips on how to enhance entrepreneurial skills, and information on business development as a career option. “For first-time jobseekers, the guide can be very useful in planning the start of their careers as it contains a comprehensive step-by-step direction – from self-assessment to self-discovery,” Baldoz said. — LBG, GMA News