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Verdict on ex-Batangas gov's murder case out Wednesday

MANILA, Philippines - The Makati Regional Trial Court will hand down its verdict on the murder charge against former Batangas governor Jose Antonio Leviste, who was accused of killing his longtime aide, Rafael de las Alas, in January 2007. Makati RTC branch 150 Judge Elmo Alameda set the promulgation of the case at 9 a.m. Wednesday. Leviste, who said he shot De las Alas in self-defense, expressed confidence that he would be acquitted of the murder charge. “My family and I are continuing to pray. Together with my legal counsel, we have proven a strong case throughout the two-year trial and now I leave my fate in God's hand,” Leviste said. Henry Capela, Leviste’s counsel, said his client remains “calm and confident” that he will be acquitted. “We have always been hoping and praying for an acquittal. I trust and believe that my client is innocent of the charge,” he said. Capela said Senior State Prosecutor Emmanuel Velasco has failed to substantiate his claim that Leviste murdered De las Alas despite presenting several witnesses, including the victim's wife and daughter, and voluminous documents to the court. Leviste had said during the hearings that he shot De las Alas in self defense when the latter tried to shoot him in a heated argument over financial matters inside his office in LPL Tower in Makati City. In 2007, the court granted Leviste's request to be allowed temporary liberty after a brief incarceration at the Makati City Jail. He paid P300,000 as bond. While on temporary liberty, the court also granted his request to go to Mecca, Saudi Arabia on the invitation of the Saudi Royal Family to perform the annual holy pilgrimage required of Muslims. Leviste and his daughter are Muslim practitioners. On the other hand, Velasco said they have a strong case against Leviste. He said the witnesses and other pieces of evidence, particularly the medico-legal report conducted by the authorities, showed that murder was committed. “We are confident of our case and evidence, especially the medico-legal report presented. The defense are hiding in denial though what is very revealing is that they did not present the so many people inside Gov. Leviste's office who were their at the time of the shooting. If they are not hiding anything, they should have presented these people," Velasco said. The prosecution claimed that murder was committed as the three elements - evident premeditation, cruelty, and treachery - are all present in the instant case. Velasco said the entire prosecution panel is also praying for a favorable outcome of the case. “I think both sides are waiting with bated breath and I am sure God Almighty is on top of the situation. The prosecution has done its best, we leave the rest to Him," he said. - GMANews.TV