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Supreme Court halves libel penalty of evangelist Eli Soriano

The Supreme Court (SC) has upheld the conviction of televangelist Eliseo Soriano for one count of libel and acquitted him of another over his statements against a religious leader 20 years ago. 

In a recent decision, the High Court's First Division modified an earlier Court of Appeals ruling that affirmed an Iriga City judge's 2012 decision penalizing Soriano with a fine of P12,000 for two counts of libel.

Soriano is the former Presiding Minister and current Overall Servant of the Members Church of God International (MCGI).

In two cases before the lower court, Soriano was accused of making "false, injurious and defamatory statements" against the leader of Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry (JMCIM), Wilde Almeda, and "persons comprising" the group during his radio program in 1998.

Soriano allegedly called his fellow preacher "bulaang propeta" or false prophet, "tarantado" and "gago" and the group's pastors "pastor ng demonyo," among others. 

Assailing the CA's upholding of his conviction, Soriano filed a petition before the SC.

However, the High Court, through Associate Justice Noel Tijam, said the elements of libel -- that the imputation must be defamatory, malicious, published, and the victim must be identifiable -- were present in the case.

"Petitioner's claim that his statements are absolutely protected by the Constitution because they are expressions of religious beliefs do not merit any consideration," the Court said, citing an earlier ruling that "plain and simple insults... cannot be elevated to the status of religious speech."

However, the SC clarified that Soriano's guilt stems from his statements only against Almeda "and not the JMCIM, or any of its pastors."

"We note that aside from mentioning Almeda's name, petitioner's statements did not refer to any specific pastor or member of the JMCIM," the decision stated.

The Court said it cannot consider Soriano's statements "sweeping enough as to injure the reputation of all the members of JMCIM."

This resulted in Soriano's acquittal for one of the two counts of libel. — MDM, GMA News