Duterte signs law creating Judiciary marshals office

President Rodrigo Duterte has approved the creation of Office of the Judiciary Marhals, acting presidential spokesperson Martin Andanar said Wednesday.
At the Palace briefing, Andanar said Duterte signed the Republic Act No. 11691 or the Judiciary Marshals Act that provides for the creation of the Judiciary marshals office.
“The Office of the Judiciary Marshals shall be primarily responsible for the security, safety, and protection of the members, officials, personnel, and property of the judiciary, including the integrity of the courts and its proceedings,” he said.
Andanar added that the Office will be under the control and supervision of the Supreme Court through the Office of the Court Administrator.
The Office aims to counter attacks against judges, lawyers, and other court personnel.
With this act, judiciary marshals will be tasked to conduct threat assessments and launch investigations on crimes and other offenses committed against judiciary employees and court property.
They will also undertake probes on allegations of irregularities, including graft and corruption, committed by members of the legal profession.