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PNP operational procedure on handling hostage situations

PNP OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE SPECIAL PROCEDURE Rule 22. HOSTAGE SITUATION SEC. 1. Procedures to be Followed in a Hostage Situation -- The following steps shall be undertaken:
  • A Crisis Management Task Group shall be activated immediately.
  • Incident scene shall be secured and isolated
  • Unauthorized persons shall not be allowed entry and exit to the incident scene.
  • Witnesses' names, addresses, and other information shall be recorded. Witnesses shall be directed to a safe location.
SEC. 2. Ground Commander -- There shall be only one Ground Commander in the area. SEC. 3. Negotiators -- Negotiators shall be designated by the Ground Commander. No one shall be allowed to talk to the hostage-taker without clearance from the negotiating panel or Ground Commander. SEC. 4. Assault Team -- An assault team shall be alerted for deployment in case the negotiation fails. Members of the assault team shall wear authorized and easily recognizable uniform during the conduct of the operation. Bonnets shall not be used. SEC. 5. Assault Plan -- The assault shall be planned to ensure minimal threat to life for all parties. SEC. 6. Support Personnel -- An ambulance with medical crew and a fire truck shall be detailed at the incident area. SEC. 7. Coordination -- Proper coordination with all participating elements shall be done to consolidate efforts in solving the crisis. SEC. 8. Safety of Hostage(s) -- In negotiating for the release of a hostage, the safety of the hostage shall always be paramount. SEC. 9. Procedures to be Followed during Negotiations -- The following shall be undertaken in the conduct of negotiations:
  1. Stabilize and contain the situation;
  2. Select the right time to make contact with the hostage-taker;
  3. Take time when negotiating;
  4. Allow hostage-taker to speak;
  5. Don't offer the hostage-taker anything. What he will ask for will be part of the negotiation;
  6. Avoid directing frequent attention to the victim when talking to the hostage-taker;
  7. Do not call them hostages. Be as honest as possible; avoid tricks; be sincere;
  8. Never dismiss any request from the hostage-taker as trivial or unimportant;
  9. Never say "NO";
  10. Soften the demands;
  11. Never set a deadline; try not to accept a deadline;
  12. Do not introduce outsiders (non-law enforcement officers) into the negotiation process, unless their presence is extremely necessary in the solution of the crisis; provided that they shall be properly advised on the do's and don't s of hostage negotiations;
  13. Do not allow any exchange of hostages, unless extremely necessary; in particular, do not exchange a negotiator for a hostage;
  14. Avoid negotiating face-to-face; and
  15. Law enforcement officers without proper training shall not be allowed to participate in hostage negotiations.
Source: Philippine National Police