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EJ Obiena talks about his love life with German athlete

He may be busy training and winning, but EJ Obiena certainly has time for romance.

In an episode of podcast "Surprise Guest with Pia Arcangel," Obiena said he was "dating someone."  

Obiena revealed he is dating Caroline Joyeux, also an athlete, a triple jumper from Germany.

"I met her here in the training camp. And then I had a trip, a trip that I needed to go to in Berlin, then I met her there again. And then she ended up flying back here and doing a training camp. And then that's where we kind of, you know, 'Hey,' and then yeah, it's a funny, awkward, cheesy, kind of way of meeting people," Obiena shared.

"I mean, I'm very,  as I said, I don't really go out. So most of the people that I know are either on the track or in my house, so a small group of people."

They may be away from each other, with EJ being based in Italy and Caroline being in Germany, but being athletes made them handle their situation in a better way.

"We both understand that, hey, I need like four or five hours a day that I cannot use my phone. And then she knows that, and I know it and understand it. And then the good side of it, some of the competition that I do, she does as well. So, you know, we meet more often than not, especially in the season. And then you know, she does have more training camps. And she does her training camp here in Italy," Obiena shared.

"So it is a long distance. But then again, I see her almost every two months, you know, for like a couple of days. So it's not that difficult. I would say, of course, I would prefer that she's here, or I'm there. But, you know, we understand the sacrifice, or at least the way that we kind of need to live."

Obiena also revealed that in his spare time, he does drawing and he also made a caricature for Caroline.

In the interview, EJ also showed a sample caricature — of his European ex! — adding they are on good terms now and that it was the only drawing was accessible at that time.

Check out the caricature he made here and his revelations about his love life. Fast forward to 35:20.

— LA, GMA News

Tags: EJ Obiena