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POC suspends PATAFA for Obiena non-endorsement in world indoor championships

The Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) has suspended the Philippine Athletics Track and Field Association (PATAFA) over its spat with pole vaulter EJ Obiena.

The Olympian will miss the World Indoor championships after he was not endorsed by PATAFA for the tournament. His request to participate in the Southeast Asian Games, the World Championships in July, and the Asian Games were also turned down by the NSA.

In a press release on Thursday, POC president Abraham "Bambol" Tolentino said PATAFA failed to serve its purpose as a National Sports Association (NSA).

"Our constitution states that POC may suspend for any reason. However, it's transparent that PATAFA has deliberately and intentionally disregarded our basic principles of promoting sports and development," he said.

"Unfortunately, the non-endorsement of EJ has created a national issue. EJ Obiena, under our International Olympic Committee Charter, has two reasons to be endorsed—sports merit and inspiration to the youth."

Tolentino said that despite sincere efforts by Obiena to mediate, "PATAFA prioritized its pride, and it saddens [me] to look closely on a chance slowly gripping away. They have withheld an opportunity of the Filipino people to have another world record."

He said, however, that the suspension can be tossed sooner than the 90-day term.

"If the PSC's mediation effort over PATAFA and EJ [Obiena] is completed and ironed out, its suspension will also be lifted," he said.

Meanwhile, and the Philippine Tennis Association (PHILTA) was also suspended for its non-compliance with an order from the International Tennis Federation (ITF) to amend its charter and hold fresh elections to select a truly representative set of board members.

"If PHILTA complies with the ITF order, and the ITF accepts PHILTA's compliance, the suspension of the tennis association will be lifted immediately," Tolentino said.

—Bea Micaller/MGP, GMA News