Letran coach shares basic taekwondo tips to 'Rise Up Stronger' hosts Javier, Senoron | NCAA Philippines

Before the NCAA rolls out Season 96 with the taekwondo tournament, let’s first learn a thing or two about the sport from Colegio de San Juan de Letran taekwondo coach Christian Maghirang!

Guesting on Monday’s episode of ‘Rise Up Stronger: The Road to NCAA Season 96’, Maghirang taught basic self-defense skills to show hosts Martin Javier and Sophia Senoron and everyone at home can do these moves as well.

The coach instructed the hosts to place their right foot at the back and arms in a punching position then had them lift a right kick as strong and high as they can. Then they changed feet and did the same steps.

Maghirang also explained how to do a proper 45 kick---a simple yet dangerous taekwondo skill where an athlete slightly twists his body and kicks using one of his feet with a 45 degree angle.

Javier then tried to apply all the lessons by breaking a thin wood held by Maghirang.

Watch 'Rise Up Stronger: The Road to NCAA Season 96' every weekday (2:45 p.m.) Saturdays (4:30 p.m), and Sundays (5:05 p.m.) on GTV!

—Bea Micaller/JMB, GMA News

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