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Former UFC champ Jon Jones chases suspected robber with a shotgun

Former UFC light heavyweight world champion Jon Jones was in a different kind of fight this past weekend.

Jones, touted by some as the greatest of all time in mixed martial arts, was seen on video chasing off a suspected robber in what seems to be his residence.

The man with a cap on was recorded circling Jones’ vehicles until the fighter opened his gate to confront the man.

“Ended up tapping on this guy’s driver side window with the muzzle of my shotgun last night. Next time you try to rob someone, make sure you’re fast enough to outrun them,” he wrote on Instagram.

“He’s lucky I’m smart enough to not shoot a man while he’s retreating. People I know times are getting hard but your life isn’t worth a few material possessions. What are your thoughts on this video, what would you have done differently?” -- BAP, GMA News