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NBTC D-League takes act to public schools

The National Basketball Training Center (NBTC) Developmental League (D-League) has taken its act to the public schools. For the first time in its three-year program, NBTC D-League launched a youth basketball program that will cater to public school students aged 14 to 17. NBTC program director Eric Altamirano said that public schools need this kind of basketball program. "We have channeled our resources to support public schools because they are not really given proper attention when it comes to sports programs," said Altamirano in Monday's press conference at the National Sports Grill in Greenbelt, Makati City. Altamirano, who also coaches National University's basketball squad, said that NBTC, together with its long-time partner TAO Corporation through Energen Cereal Drink, has also joined forces with the Department of Education to make the program a reality. "Most of the best players are in the private schools, anyway, so we want excellent players to also become available through the public schools. The dropout rates in public schools are high, so we are hoping that the kids can get excited and have another incentive for staying in school," said TAO Corporation's Joel Lopa, who had also supported the national team in the past through Nokia. The Energen NBTC D-League expects 4,800 students and 320 coaches to avail themselves of the program. There will be four clinics in each school, featuring basketball fundamentals such as footwork, conditioning, and shooting, among others. Coaches will also clinics where they can impart their knowledge to athletes. But more than teaching the fundamentals of basketball, training director Alex Compton said that he is more excited about imparting values to the kids, such as leadership, excellence, a positive attitude and discipline — which they can then use in life. "If they can learn the values from basketball and they can carry those into the future, then we'll know that we have made an impact on their lives," said Compton, who is also an assistant coach of the Powerade Tigers in the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA). The Energen NBTC D-League actually started its clinics this month, with the National Capital Region (NCR) students having their graduation on March 31 at The Arena in San Juan. Graduates will also hear an inspirational message from Brian Sebastian, who works with the youth at the University of Makati. The under-16 national team coached by former San Miguel Beerman Olsen Racela will be introduced and will play an exhibition game against the past under-16 national team led by Kiefer Ravena of Ateneo before the graduation rites. - KY, Reuben Terrado, GMA News