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3 companies express desire to buy Alaska franchise, reveals Marcial

Three companies have already expressed desire to buy the Alaska franchise after the latter made a shocking announcement on Wednesday that it is leaving the PBA after 35 years.

League commissioner Willie Marcial did not name the corporations but said two of the three seemed serious in entering the PBA. He said they are giving the Aces management until the end of the season to find a buyer.

"Yesterday (Wednesday) we had an online board meeting and I and chairman (Ricky Vargas) told the board of governors what I and Wilfred (Uytengsu) and Dickie (Bachmann talked about)," Marcial said.

"They (Alaska) asked about the procedures and policies. We will just wait what Alaska would do next and we will give them until April to get a buyer. If not, the rights will go to the PBA."

Marcial said everything will depend on the board.

This means that a team whose branding is a competitor of an existing PBA team can enter the league as long as it gets the two-thirds vote from the board of governors.

In addition to that, PBA will also take into consideration the financials and background of an interested party.

"If they get an interested buyer, it will still have a lot of processes. But so far, there are three companies who have inquired about the franchise."

Two other companies have also inquired about Alaska's availability but was relayed through Bachmann, Alaska's team governor.

—MGP, GMA News